litigation as a conservation tool - Oceana USA
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May 24, 2004

litigation as a conservation tool

BY: Phil

Jerry Fraser’s recent editorial (“A Dual Assault”) in National Fisherman’s e-newsletter was very misguided and only repeated the industry song of denial when it comes to dealing with destructive fishing issues in a straightforward manner. The science on the impacts of bottom trawling is not a grey area. The NRC report on this issue clearly says that bottom trawling has adverse impacts on structured habitat.

The science on the habitat needs of juvenile cod is also very clear – juvenile cod need places to hide from predators for survival. Juvenile cod habitats are still subject to being flattened by trawling and dredging, cod are still depleted, the NE fishing industry is still suffering the economic conquences and the only option left to seek habitat protection is through the courts.

The National Marine Fisheries Service did the cod, cod fishermen, and our oceans a huge disservice by approving management plans that failed to protect their critical habitats. Mr. Fraser would better serve the needs of the fishing industry by writing stories about responsible ocean use and encourage the industry to proactively address this and other desructive fishing practices. It’s only going to be when we are all working for healthy oceans that the NE fishing industry can once again thrive. It’s not all about catching more fish it’s about fishing sustainably and healthy fish populations need healthy habitats. Ask the habitat scientists in NE what needs to be done. Their recommendations are not what NMFS recently approved, actually quite the opposite.