Sights on CITES: Shark Showdown - Oceana USA
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March 23, 2010

Sights on CITES: Shark Showdown

This is the eighth in a series of dispatches from the CITES conference in Doha, Qatar.

More difficult news out of Doha today.

While seven of the eight proposed shark species (including several species of hammerheads, oceanic whitetip and spiny dogfish) were not included in Appendix II, the one bright spot was for the porbeagle shark, which is threatened by widespread consumption in Europe.

The porbeagle’s Appendix II listing is a huge improvement because it requires the use of export permits to ensure that the species are caught by a legal and sustainably managed fishery.

And there is a slight chance that the other shark decisions could be reversed during the plenary session in the final two days.

Here are Oceana scientists Elizabeth Griffin and Rebecca Greenberg reflecting on the shark decisions: