Connor Fagan - Oceana USA

Connor Fagan

Federal Policy Manager

Oceana Staff


Connor’s role is advocacy with the US Congress, Biden Administration, and federal agencies on the U.S. shark fin, responsible fishing, and North Atlantic right whale campaigns.

In 2020, Connor Fagan was selected as a NOAA Sea Grant Fellow placed with the Marine Mammal Commission. During his fellowship, Connor conducted Congressional and agency outreach, analyzed legislation, and drafted bill language in support of the Commission’s mandate to protect and conserve marine mammals, particularly the North Atlantic right whale and the Gulf of Mexico bottlenose dolphin. Upon completing his fellowship, Connor continued to work with the Marine Mammal Commission to assess and mitigate the continued effects of Deepwater Horizon and low-salinity impacts to bottlenose dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico. Prior to his Sea Grant Fellowship, he earned his J.D. from Louisiana State University (LSU) in 2019. While obtaining his degree, he worked with Louisiana Sea Grant on issues ranging from endangered species to climate resiliency in coastal communities. Connor’s passion for ocean critters, wild places, and coastal communities stems from growing up on the water in the Gulf of Mexico.