Oceana's Statement on the Bush Administration's Proposal to Submit POPs Legislation - Oceana USA

Oceana’s Statement on the Bush Administration’s Proposal to Submit POPs Legislation

Press Release Date: April 11, 2002

Location: Washington


Dustin Cranor, APR | email: dcranor@oceana.org | tel: 954.348.1314


Oceana is concerned that – at this late date – the Administration appears to be proposing the implementation of legislation that fails to follow the explicit language and clear intention of the international POPs treaty. Specifically, the Administration’s proposal apparently fails to include provisions to ensure that the Environmental Protection Agency will be granted authority to conduct a science-based process for adding new chemicals to the list of banned chemicals.


Statement of Senator Jim Jeffords

Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee

Administration’s Proposal to Implement

The Persistent Organic Pollutants Treaty

April 11, 2002

“I am pleased that the Administration is honoring its commitment to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). However, I am deeply disappointed that the Administration’s proposal does not include a mechanism to address future harmful pesticides and industrial chemicals. To send up this proposal without the ability to regulate new harmful substances is shortsighted and does not fulfill our commitment to this global treaty. We are currently in compliance with most aspects of this treaty, and by not including a mechanism to add new POPs the Administration is taking the easy way out. The United States has a responsibility to lead the world in eliminating these dangerous chemicals that are so harmful to human heath and the environment. I will be introducing legislation to fulfill our obligations under the treaty that will address the critical flaw in the Administration’s proposal. I look forward to working with the Administration and my colleagues to ratify the treaty and pass environmentally responsible legislation to implement this proposal.”

Read more: http://www.senate.gov/~jeffords