Ocean Acidification: Oceana advertising campaign in Copenhagen - Oceana USA

Ocean Acidification: Oceana advertising campaign in Copenhagen

Because ocean acidification threatens all marine life, Oceana has invested in an advertising campaign to highlight the most urgent goal:  reducing CO2 emissions to achieve atmospheric levels of 350 parts per million (ppm) or less as soon as possible.

The three advertisements that Oceana will display in Copenhagen, Denmark, throughout the entire United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting, are depicted here:

Copenhagen Airport 

oceana advertizement

oceana advertizement

oceana advertisement

Copenhagen Metro Trains

oceana advertisement

oceana advertisement

oceana advertisement

oceana advertisement

oceana advertisement


“Jumbo Board” advertisement, located along main highway leading to the Bella Center


 oceana advertisement

For a file containing all the photos click here.

For more information, please contact Dianne Saenz, Director of Communications, North America at dsaenz@oceana.org or 202.467.1909.