The Scanner: Turtle Time Edition - Oceana USA
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June 19, 2009

The Scanner: Turtle Time Edition

Happy Friday, all! I have some exciting news: Next week I will be in North Carolina all week bringing you blog updates from Bald Head Island, where I will again be hoping to witness sea turtles in the wild. As you may recall, I saw a loggerhead nest hatch in September, so this time I’m hoping to see a mother loggerhead laying her eggs. Cross your fingers!This week in ocean news, ….As I learned from Oceans4Ever and Oh, for the Love of Science, this past Tuesday (the 16th) was World Sea Turtle Day, a day designated by the Caribbean Conservation Corporation (CCC) in honor of the birth of Archie Carr, the CCC’s founder and sea turtle conservationist. …the White House released its first report on climate change, warning that the effects are already here and getting worse, including heavy downpours, the rise of temperatures and sea levels, rapidly retreating glaciers and altered river flows…Miriam of the Oyster’s Garter wrote about the most fearsome predators of the ocean… starfish. …After three years of work by Oceana and our partners, the Oregon Senate approved legislation that will implement two marine reserves off the Oregon coast, while continuing the study and evaluation of four additional areas. The bill will now move forward to Governor Kulongoski for signing into law….Grist made an adorable slideshow of Green dads for Father’s Day.