Ocean Roundup: Dolphin Intelligence May Be Overestimated, Penguin Personalities To Help with Climate Change Adaption, and More - Oceana USA
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October 10, 2014

Ocean Roundup: Dolphin Intelligence May Be Overestimated, Penguin Personalities To Help with Climate Change Adaption, and More

– It turns out that pollution and runoff may be having a much bigger impact on the Great Barrier Reef than previously thought. New research shows that pollution may be decreasing organisms’ ability to photosynthesize, thereby making it harder to absorb CO2. The Guardian

Little auks, an Arctic shorebird species, are helping scientists understand where pools of mercury exist and how it may get transported through the food chain. A new study revealed that they pick up mercury in their wintering grounds, south of the Arctic circle around the United Kingdom and Canada, and then transport it back to the Arctic. Scientific American

– A group of more than 50 sperm whales converged off of Southern California earlier this week, delighting onlookers as they played with dolphins. Scientists say this is the largest group of sperm whales they’ve ever seen in the area. The Weather Channel

– New research shows that penguin’s individual personalities may be able to help them cope with climate change. Native little penguins’ (Eudyptula minor) reactions to a stress hormone corticosterone could influence how they adapt. Science Daily

Dolphins may not be as smart as everyone seems to think, says a literature review. Thought to be intelligent for their big brains and abilities to recognize some symbols, some scientists are saying that may not call for them to labeled as intelligent as they have been before. NPR