Come Dive With Me - Oceana USA
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September 8, 2008

Come Dive With Me

Sunblock? Check. Fins, mask and the rest of my gear…in the bag. Now where’s my passport? Yes, I’m going on vacation next week, and I’m taking you with me so you can see the ocean through a diver’s eyes.As I prepare for my next diving adventure, I’ve been reminiscing on past trips and realizing a couple things. One is that I’ve been lucky enough to visit some cool places, either as personal vacation or taking advantage of an extra day before a dive show starts. The other is that I have some great stories, and should share them. The best part of diving is visiting the incredible underwater world. The second best part is sharing those experiences with others.So in the coming weeks, allow me to introduce to you my friend, the ocean. We’ll spend a day with a commercial spearfisherman in Key West, come under the scrutiny of a discerning dolphin, watch turtles feed in Brazil, and play hide-and-seek with an unlikely playmate. And that’s not counting the world-class diving awaiting me next week in one of the premier marine parks the Caribbean has to offer.Stay tuned for future episodes of “Diving with ScubaSuz.”Image from