A Jellyfish Media Sting - Oceana USA
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August 5, 2008

A Jellyfish Media Sting


It appears that jellyfish have invaded not just the oceans but the media, too. Last week I told you about our marine scientist Margot Stiles’ cameo on the CBS Early Show to talk about the jellyfish invasion. They aired a longer version of the story Sunday evening — check it out. They included quite a bit of footage from our European office of jellyfish and our roving catamaran, the Ranger.Plus, Sunday morning, the New York Times ran a story about the same thing. As Margot says, the jellyfish swarms are a symptom of the greater oceanic illnesses. Maybe their sting will serve as a wake-up call to those beachgoers — who may or may not be already conservation-minded — to do something about the overfishing, global warming, and pollution that’s causing the blobs to bloom around the globe. [Image: Thierry Lannoy/Oceana]