Andy Sharpless at Ideacity 2012 - Oceana USA
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June 25, 2012

Andy Sharpless at Ideacity 2012

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Did you know that the world’s oceans have the power to feed millions of hungry people? It’s true, but only if we make sure that we’re using them sustainably.

Our CEO Andy Sharpless spoke about this at the Ideacity conference in Toronto on June 15th. The three-day conference brought together artists, activists, scientists and more in “Canada’s Premier Meeting of the Minds.”

Here’s a video of his presentation, where he emphasizes the importance of national action and responsible management in ensuring that we don’t deplete wild fish populations. Seafood offers many benefits—it’s healthier than red meat, doesn’t take up land or produce greenhouse gases, and creates jobs in major fishing countries.

Learn more about Oceana’s Save the Oceans , Feed the World campaign and sign the petition today.