Beat the Blue Fin Tuna Blues - Oceana USA
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January 25, 2008

Beat the Blue Fin Tuna Blues

BY: Beth

To help consumers make informed seafood choices, Oceana launched its Campaign to Stop Seafood Contamination in 2005 and asked all the major grocery chains nationwide to post the EPA and FDA mercury advice at the point of sale.

Since then, five major companies, including roughly 3,000 grocery stores, representing about 14 percent of the nation’s grocery market, have voluntarily agreed to post this information.    

Companies that are actively helping consumers protect their health include Whole Foods, Wild Oats, Safeway, Trader Joe’s and some Albertsons stores. Oceana is urging the other national grocery chains, including Costco, Giant Food, Publix, A&P and Giant Eagle to join them.

Oceana recommends that:

  • All grocery stores that sell fish and sushi should post the FDA advice on signs at the point of sale.
  • The FDA should require warning signs to be posted where fish covered by U.S. government advisories are sold, including at grocery store seafood counters.
  • The FDA should consider including fresh tuna (including steaks and sushi) on its “Do Not Eat” list.    
  • The FDA should increase the frequency of its testing of commonly consumed fish, especially fresh tuna of all species commonly consumed.