British Chef Ready to Fight for Fish - Oceana USA
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February 19, 2013

British Chef Ready to Fight for Fish

British chef, television personality and Oceana friend Hugh Fearnley-Whitingstall is taking the fight against overfishing to the streets with a march to the Houses of Parliament on February 25 and an email campaign to designate 127 new marine conservation zones around Britain.

If you’re an Oceana supporter across the pond we hope you’ll join Chef Hugh in his fight to secure a sustainable fishing future for the U.K. As the above video points out, of Britain’s more than 434,000 square miles of ocean a little over 5 square miles are fully protected. A further 90 percent of the U.K.’s ocean is vulnerable to destruction by bottom trawling and scallop dredging which, though out of sight for most of us, can devastate seafloor communities and juvenile fish habitat.

Learn More about Hugh’s campaign at