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July 31, 2007

In Case You Missed the Boat …

In case you missed today’s Washington Post Book World online Q&A with author and marine scientist Callum Roberts, you can read the transcript here.

I posed my own question to Roberts, asking him what needed to be done to restore the oceans to their past glory. His full answer is worth reading, but here’s my favorite part: “In the book, I wanted to breathe new life into the oceans of old by revealing them through the eyes of people who witnessed their untrammeled bounty. I hope that these visions will inspire people to fight for the resurrection of these ecosystems by working to recover at least some of what has been lost.”

Roberts has been called the Rachel Carson of the sea by The New York Times, and his new book, “The Unnatural History of the Sea,” maintains his claim to that title. His research, and conclusions, dovetail with Oceana’s own: The oceans need our help, and it’s a fight that we can win.