Everybody Must Throw Stones - Oceana USA
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September 12, 2007

Everybody Must Throw Stones

BY: nikki

Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, or so the saying goes, but no one ever said anything about skimming stones. …

If you happen to be in Scotland anytime soon, this list of the top stone skimming beaches may do you some good, that is, if you happen to be in the area and you happen to enjoy skipping rocks across the water.

That’s not to say there aren’t adequate stone skimming beaches the world over. As a well versed stone thrower, I can vouch for that. If you do throw stones into the water, though, or hit golf balls into the water — basically whatever your ocean pleasure — be sure you don’t accidentally strike an unlucky whale or sea turtle.

Sure it’s less likely for a sea creature to be struck by a stone as compared to, let’s say a large boat, but with all the obstacles in the water already, there’s no sense making it harder than it already is for these seafaring mammals and reptiles.

Throw your stones accordingly. …