July 29, 2009
House Protects Otters, Turtles
BY: buffyb
Last night was a very good night on Capitol Hill for some of our beloved friends who call the sea home. Two marine wildlife conservation bills were passed by the House of Representatives that will help sea otters and and sea turtles. The Southern Sea Otter Research and Recovery Act was introduced by California Representative Sam Farr in order to help the southern sea otter population, now listed as threatened on the federal list of endangered species, recover and get back to a healthy level. The Marine Turtle Conservation Act, introduced by Representative Henry Brown of South Carolina, would reauthorize and expand funds for sea turtle conservation projects both here in the U.S. and internationally. We applaud this great effort to help out our turtle friends (all six of the species found in U.S. waters are either endangered or threatened), but we would like to see even more comprehensive protections for U.S. sea turtles and are working on legislation to accomplish that. Thanks and congratulations to the House for taking an important step toward marine wildlife conservation!