It's a Reusable Bag - So Reuse it! - Oceana USA
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September 29, 2008

It’s a Reusable Bag — So Reuse it!

Everywhere we turn these days, we are greeted with an onslaught of free or cheap reusable bags. Grocery stores, big box retailers, even your friendly ocean conservation organization offer up an easy way to reduce plastic consumption in your daily life.But a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, “An Inconvenient Bag”, turns a critical eye on the trend. Reusable shopping bags are generally more sturdy than their disposable siblings, which means they require more energy to make and longer to decompose, plus they are often made overseas. But the biggest problem with reusable bags? Changing ingrained consumer behavior. Reusable shopping bags are a significant step toward a greener- and bluer- future. The trick is to remember them when you go to the store and rely on them for daily purchases. Don’t let your super cute turtle tote languish under the sink!