Ocean Roundup: Great Barrier Reef Health “Never Been Worse,” Coral Could Be New Substitute for Bone Grafts, and More - Oceana USA
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October 23, 2014

Ocean Roundup: Great Barrier Reef Health “Never Been Worse,” Coral Could Be New Substitute for Bone Grafts, and More

A shoal of Anthias (Pseudanthias sp.) swarm over a coral garden. Steve's Bommie, Ribbon Reefs, Great Barrier Reef

– A new report found that ospreys don’t carry “significant” amounts of pharmaceutical chemicals, despite widespread presence in waters and some fish. This was the first study that looked at bioaccumulation of chemicals in osprey food webs. EurekAlert

The U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity’s recent report on ocean acidification put the dollar value of lost coral reefs at $1 trillion. The report also looked at losses surrounding food, ecosystem protections, and more in this report. ClimateWire

– Like human bones, coral is made up of calcium carbonate—meaning it could be a substitute for bone grafts. Now, several companies are farming corals specifically for the purpose of bone grafts. Modern Farmer

– A new study found that abandoned, hand-reared African penguin chicks had similar survival rates to those raised in colonies. The authors say that hand-rearing abandoned chicks may be a helpful tool to limit mortality in this endangered species. EurekAlert

Long Read:

– The Great Barrier Reef recently evaded a dredge-dumping project that would have dumped tons of sediment from a coal port, but it’s still at risk from coal ports and mining operations throughout the Australian state of Queensland. Scientists say the Reef has “never been worse,” affected by acidification, pollution, and extreme weather. BBC News