Oceana + MeeMix - Oceana USA
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July 21, 2008

Oceana + MeeMix

Just in from the shameless self-promotion department — MeeMix, a new free internet radio site, has taken an interest in Oceana. From their blog today: “MeeMix is thankful for all the good that’s happened in the last 6 months since we launched our community beta. We’ve had a slew of new members from around the globe, positive press, a great redesign and awesome new features like Video Mode and Music Uploads. As such, we decided it was time to give back – shed some light on what our friends out there are doing to protect our planet and our friends in the sea.MeeMix is now promoting the efforts of a super cool non-profit organization, Oceana.org. Oceana is working to protect the world’s oceans and our precious marine life – including those on the endangered list – whales, sea turtles and more. Their international efforts are focused on changing governmental policy to protect fragile ocean environments, enabling us to live in a healthy, clean world for generations to come.”Sounds pretty good; MeeMix can be our (sound)wavemakers. The only question is, do they have whale songs?[Image via www.privateline.com]