The Oiled Bird Photographs Are Here - Oceana USA
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June 4, 2010

The Oiled Bird Photographs Are Here

Nearly six weeks after the Deepwater Horizon exploded, the first truly gutwrenching photos of oiled birds have arrived. Here at Oceana, we’ve been thinking about the oil spill constantly – and yet it’s amazing that one image can be so heartbreaking.

Update Friday afternoon: The New York Times’ Lens blog has a nice column about the meaning of these first, intimate images of animals in distress. And the AP photo editor who published the images has this hopeful thing to say about the fate of the birds pictured: “I’m told that the birds that were still alive — mostly pelicans and up to 40 of them — were taken to a bird cleaning facility in Ft. Jackson and are being cared for.”

Meanwhile, we’ve surpassed 75,000 signatures on our petition to end offshore drilling. Please add your name to the list if you haven’t already.

For more photos, visit