Our World Underwater a success for sharks - Oceana USA
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April 28, 2008

Our World Underwater a success for sharks

Where do divers in the Midwest go to get their dive fix? To Chicago for the Our World Underwater dive show, a weekend of the latest gear, exotic travel and dive training. It’s also the perfect place to talk with people about ocean conservation, so Oceana staff and WaveMaker volunteers passed out information on our campaigns and encouraged divers to become ocean advocates, starting with signing our shark petition. In response to the alarming decline in shark populations, the petition asks Congress to support measures for better shark management, like landing sharks with their fins. Nearly 400 people signed on! Since then, Congress has introduced the Shark Conservation Act of 2008, a bill which would strengthen protections for sharks. A very special “Thank you” to our fabulous volunteers: Joyce Stempinski, Liz Sundquist, Parker Whiteway, Jeanine Bremer, Rebecca Hauser, Daniel Tamburich and the Feder family, Rachel, David and Ellie. And my dad (pictured), who enjoyed his first dive show.