Photo of the Week: Shallow Dive - Oceana USA
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May 22, 2012

Photo of the Week: Shallow Dive

Members of our Baltic Expedition crew have been diving in the waters around Finland’s Åland Islands. Even in the shallow waters pictured here, the poor visibility felt “like diving at night,” according to diver and deck coordinator Jesús Molino. In this water, it would be hard to see your hand sticking out in front of your face.

Even close to the shore, the water reached depths of up to 100 meters. The crew sent in remote operated vehicles (ROVs) to survey the seabed in these deep waters before heading in themselves.

The divers braved dark, icy waters to film the marine life in the waters near these isolated islands. They found a variety of shrimps, eels, isopods, fish like the fourhorn sculpin, and even a submerged bird egg.

The crew has spent the last few days in the Åland Islands, and will set off on the next leg of their journey tonight. They will be sailing north for about 15 hours to reach their next working site in the Baltic Sea.