Sam Lardner's 'Oceans Are Talking' - Oceana USA
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April 29, 2010

Sam Lardner’s ‘Oceans Are Talking’

Sam Lardner is a musician making a difference for the oceans. Lardner started a musical awareness and outreach campaign to enlighten children ages 5 to 13 and their families about the issues facing the world’s oceans.

I just listened to his CD, “Oceans are Talking” and I have to say — I know it’s for kids, but I found the melodies quite catchy. Lardner manages to communicate serious issues about the oceans in a fun and engaging way through song. His voice is reminiscent of James Taylor, and he has backup from some talented young voices.

There’s a rap about shark fin soup, a song about a contaminated clam, the ugly story behind shrimp, and my favorite, “Pteropods.” Here’s an excerpt:

“Folks who study oceans come to love me when they finally get to know me
A tiny swimming angel with a fragile little shell that hangs below me
I been fifty million years upon this planet
But suddenly the whole world has its eyes on me”

Anyone who sings about pteropods is a winner in my book. Learn more about Sam Lardner and “Oceans Are Talking” at