Video: Chile’s Underwater Trove - Oceana USA
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August 8, 2011

Video: Chile’s Underwater Trove

Earlier this year, Oceana Chile sailed to far-flung Alexander Selkirk Island, named for the Scottish sailor who spent four years as a castaway on the island, probably inspiring the story of Robinson Crusoe.

The island is one of three that comprise the Juan Fernández Archipelago, which sits more than 400 miles off the coast of Chile.

Check out the stunning footage they came back with:


As you can see, the expedition team found a surprising abundance and diversity of species around the island, including lobsters and many kinds of fish. While the archipelago has been compared to the Galápagos Islands for its rich biodiversity, it lacks conservation measures against destructive fishing. As a result, Oceana has been working for several years with the fishing communities of Juan Fernández to protect their exceptional marine resources.