Nearly 9 in 10 New Yorkers Support Policies That Reduce Single-Use Plastic - Oceana USA

Nearly 9 in 10 New Yorkers Support Policies That Reduce Single-Use Plastic

In May 2022, Oceana released a New York statewide poll (link to results below) revealing that 88% of New York voters are concerned about single-use plastic products and support local and state policies to reduce single-use plastic. Included among the key findings: 83% of registered New York voters are concerned about the amount of plastic items used in food delivery and takeout, 78% support policies that reduce the use of plastic foam foodware and plastic packaging from online shopping, and 76% support policies that reduce the use of plastic straws. Support for single-use reduction goes beyond the local and state level, with 85% of New York voters supporting national policies that reduce single-use plastic. 

The poll, conducted by the nonpartisan polling company Ipsos, surveyed roughly 366 adults in New York between Nov. 5 and 9, 2021.