John Weber
Senior Field Representative, Mid-Atlantic
Oceana Staff

John has been working to protect the ocean environment for more than two decades; first as a volunteer with the Surfrider Foundation, and then as their first employee on the East Coast, a job he held for 18 years. As a result, John has extensive experience fighting plastic pollution and working to stop offshore oil drilling. He has fought for beach access and against LNG facilities and other fossil fuel projects. John was instrumental in many plastic bag and ballon-release bans in NJ. He was appointed by NJ Governor Phil Murphy to sit on the NJ Plastics Advisory Council and serves on the council to this day. John has also worked for the NJ Environmental Federation (NJ chapter of Clean Water Action) and for NJ Citizen Action.
John is thrilled to be continuing his work fighting plastic pollution and the expansion of offshore oil drilling with Oceana. He will be adding work on fisheries and protecting marine mammals as he expands Oceana’s footprint into New Jersey and continues their work in Delaware.
As a lifelong surfer, John has been playing in the ocean for as long as he can remember. He moved to the beach full time in 1992 and lives in Bradley Beach, NJ today with his wife and two teenaged children.
John is an elected official in Bradley Beach having been elected in 2016 and re-elected twice.
In addition to being a surfer and an all-around beach lover, John is a very amateur birder.