John O’Leary visits Oceana in Chile - Oceana USA

John O’Leary visits Oceana in Chile

Press Release Date: June 11, 2003

Location: Santiago, Chile


Dustin Cranor, APR | email: | tel: 954.348.1314


Barely three days from the celebration of the World Oceans Day, the ex American Ambassador in Chile, John O’Leary, participated in an interesting conversation with Oceana South America & Antarctica’s staff members at the new facilities of this organization in Chile.

O’Leary, well known as an environmentalist attorney in the northern country, demonstrated great interest in this new Non Governmental Organization that arrives in Chile to position issues related to protection of the oceans in the national news agenda, and whose executive director is the economist Marcel Claude.

Oceana’s International Advisor, Jorge Varela, explained to the ex diplomatic representative -and personal friend of Bill Clinton- the existing priorities for Oceana in defining its legal, communicational and scientific strategies.

O’Leary, former active litigator and environmentalist in the US, expressed particular interest in the presence of Oceana around the world, whose main office is located in Washington D.C, its relation with the rest of the Chilean NGO’s and potential common strategies in litigations, tactical alliances and international goals.