MEDIA ADVISORY: Oceana and Blancpain to Launch Second Ocean Expedition off Southern California - Oceana USA

MEDIA ADVISORY: Oceana and Blancpain to Launch Second Ocean Expedition off Southern California

Voyage will explore and document ocean biodiversity to increase protections for the Channel Islands

Press Release Date: September 3, 2024



Ashley Blacow | email: | tel: 1.831.643.9220

Beginning September 10, Oceana—in partnership with prestigious Swiss watchmaker, Blancpain—will embark on their second ocean expedition around the Northern Channel Islands off California to explore and document biodiversity that makes ocean waters off the state globally important. Oceana plans to use this data to strengthen the case for protecting this special area — known as the “Galapagos of North America” — from harmful gillnet fishing. This expedition builds off the first voyage the groups undertook last spring to further Oceana’s campaigns to restore ocean abundance and Blancpain’s commitment to ocean exploration and conservation.

WHO:            Oceana and Blancpain

WHEN:        Tuesday, September 10- Friday, September 13, 2024

WHERE:     Offshore Southern California, Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary

ACCESS:    Live interviews with the expedition team or a dock-side vessel tour may be arranged for interested media. Contact Ashley Blacow-Draeger at for arrangements.                           


Southern California boasts undersea geology unlike any other off the U.S. West Coast, marked by a series of faults, banks, and underwater mountains (seamounts). This geology, combined with cold nutrient-rich waters that upwell from the deep make this region a globally important epicenter of biodiversity supporting diverse ocean life and habitats. These ocean waters include feeding areas and migratory routes for large whales—including endangered humpback whales—nurseries for great white shark pups, breeding and foraging habitat for California sea lions and giant seabass, gardens of colorful cold-water corals, and canopies of giant kelp forests to name a few.

Oceana and Blancpain intend to undertake a variety of research elements that include:

  • Collecting environmental DNA (eDNA) water samples that will be later analyzed in a lab to detect virtually all the animals and plants in California’s Channel Islands by the DNA “footprint” they leave behind in the water column. This provides key insights into the ecosystem as it informs what wildlife inhabits and traverses the area even if we cannot see them. 
  • Conducting scuba dive surveys documenting the diversity of ocean fish and characterizing their habitats to provide a comprehensive glimpse into the biodiversity at risk.
  • Identifying individual giant seabass and their aggregation sites—a fish that can weigh more than 500 pounds and once reigned over California’s kelp forests until it was overfished in the 1900’s. Individual fish are identified by their unique spots — like a fingerprint — and documenting them can provide new insights into their movements and conservation. We are collaborating with the scientists at UC Santa Barbara to advance their “Spotting Giant Seabass” research project.

The fall expedition will focus on identifying fish biodiversity and habitats around the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary’s remote San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands. Comparing this data with that we collected from Anacapa, Santa Cruz, and Santa Barbara Islands during our spring expedition will provide a more comprehensive look into biodiversity in the region and more clearly illuminate what’s at risk. Additionally, we will conduct a third expedition in 2025 to build off the data and information we collect this year.

The groups plan to utilize the imagery and scientific information gathered at sea in support of protecting ocean biodiversity by reducing entanglement of ocean animals — including whales, sea lions, sharks, and other fish — in set gillnet fishing gear. These fishing nets used to catch California halibut and white seabass can be 20 football fields long. Despite action by California voters more than 30 years ago, set gillnets are still allowed in federal waters (3-200 miles from shore) off Southern California’s mainland, offshore banks, and in state waters around California’s Channel Islands. Oceana is urging the state legislature to act after the California Fish and Game Commission failed to take meaningful action this summer to address injury and death to ocean animals caught as bycatch in this fishery.

  • Highlights from the spring expedition can be accessed here.


About Oceana

Oceana is the largest international advocacy organization dedicated solely to ocean conservation. Oceana is rebuilding abundant and biodiverse oceans by winning science-based policies in countries that control one-quarter of the world’s wild fish catch. With more than 300 victories that stop overfishing, habitat destruction, oil and plastic pollution, and the killing of threatened species like turtles, whales, and sharks, Oceana’s campaigns are delivering results. A restored ocean means that 1 billion people can enjoy a healthy seafood meal, every day, forever. Together, we can save the oceans and help feed the world. VisitOceana.orgto learn more.

About Blancpain

Founded in 1735 in the Swiss Jura, Blancpain is known as the world’s oldest watch brand. Loyal to its tradition of innovation and confirmed by countless horological complications invented over the years, the Manufacture is constantly pushing the boundaries of watchmaking to take this art to places where it has never been before.

Exploration and preservation of the world’s oceans is at the core to Blancpain. With its legacy of the Fifty Fathoms – the first true diver’s watch – extending over 70 years, Blancpain has become close to the explorers, photographers, scientists and environmentalists who treasure the precious underwater resource. With that affinity has come a determination to support important activities and initiatives dedicated to the oceans.

To date, Blancpain has co-financed dozens of major scientific expeditions, celebrated its role in significantly extending the surface area of marine protected areas around the world, and presented several award-winning documentary films, underwater photography exhibitions and publications. This dedication to supporting ocean exploration and preservation is called Blancpain Ocean Commitment.