Oceana Applauds Senator Bernie Sanders for Introducing Clean Coasts and Efficient Cars Act of 2010 - Oceana USA

Oceana Applauds Senator Bernie Sanders for Introducing Clean Coasts and Efficient Cars Act of 2010

Press Release Date: May 27, 2010

Location: Washington, D.C.


Dustin Cranor, APR | email: dcranor@oceana.org | tel: 954.348.1314


Oceana issued the following statement today following the introduction of the Clean Coasts and Efficient Cars Act of 2010 by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

“Oceana is committed to ending offshore drilling and thanks Senator Bernie Sanders for introducing the Clean Coasts and Efficient Cars Act of 2010 which would promote energy efficiency while protecting some of our oceans, coastlines and coastal economies from further risk of offshore drilling.

The ongoing Deepwater Drilling Disaster illustrates the dangers of offshore drilling. Not only were lives lost in this tragic incident, but coastal economies will likely be impacted for years to come. As of today, nearly one quarter of the Gulf of Mexico is closed to commercial and recreational fishing due to the spill. And as the summer travel season kicks off this weekend, the hospitality industry will likely feel the impacts of this catastrophe as well.

The Clean Coasts and Efficient Cars Act demonstrates that ending offshore drilling is the right choice. According to government estimates, consumers will save more money per gallon of gas and save more oil than would be produced if these areas were opened to offshore drilling.

‘Sen. Sanders gets it. We can reduce our dependence on oil, reduce the risk to our oceans, beaches and coastal economies, all while saving consumers money at the gas pump. We can do this while also offsetting the oil that would otherwise be produced with savings from improved energy efficiency,’ stated Beth Lowell, federal policy director.  

The Clean Coasts and Efficient Cars Act makes sense. Instead of relying on dirty and dangerous offshore oil drilling, our nation’s energy plan should focus on moving to a future powered by clean renewable energy, paired with increased energy efficiency.”