Oceana Slams the Supreme Court’s Decision on the “Chevron Doctrine”  - Oceana USA

Oceana Slams the Supreme Court’s Decision on the “Chevron Doctrine” 

Press Release Date: June 28, 2024



Megan Jordan | email: mjordan@oceana.org | tel: 202.868.4061

In response to the decision from the Supreme Court to overrule the Chevron Doctrine, Oceana’s Vice President for U.S. Oceans Beth Lowell had the following reaction: 

“Fishery observers are our eyes on the water to uphold healthy fisheries, without them we are operating in the darkness. This case was a fundamental attack by some in the fishing industry on responsible fisheries management in the United States. Some fishers want to operate in the dark, unmonitored, and return to a wild west of fishing in U.S. waters, but these companies are fishing on a public resource and making profits from the fish they are taking from OUR oceans. Without monitoring, limits become irrelevant, and rules become suggestions. Observers help prevent overfishing and rebuild fisheries, and now that may be at stake. 

Our justice system at the highest level failed our oceans and the American people today. This decision shows that politically appointed judges could be making the final call instead of experts in government agencies. This puts at risk government decisions not just on fisheries, but also on clean water, clean air, public health, food safety, and protecting wildlife.”