WASHINGTON – Oceana, the largest international advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans, issued the following statement from... Read More
The Bureau of Ocean Energy, Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) today released a Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for... Read More
were to happen off the North Slope of Alaska we’d have nothing. We’re starting from ground zero today…We have zero to operate with at present.”
Despite having to triple their discharge scenarios for the Beaufort to 16,000 barrels of oil per day, Shell continues to state they will recover 95 percent of the oil spilled using mechanical recovery tools in the water that has been noted to fail in the past drills. The recovery rates for the Exxon Valdez was closer to 8 percent and the Deepwater Horizon was around 10 percent.
“It is time for the Obama administration to commit to the truth,” Murray said. “The American public should no longer be given misinformation, if a spill will be impossible to clean up, that needs to be stated.”
Currently there is no proven method of cleaning up an oil spill in most Arctic conditions; there are inadequate facilities or equipment in the region capable of carrying out an effective response plan; and there is a clear lack of basic scientific information about the ocean ecosystem. The vibrancy and biodiversity of the Arctic ecosystem depend on how we manage development. Oceana will continue to work towards ensuring that development will not harm ecosystem health or subsistence