Seafood Fraud Reports
See below for national and regional testing reports, and related media coverage:
One Name, One Fish: Why Seafood Names Matter
- Do Fish Names Encourage Fishy Business?
Source: NPR
July 30, 2015 - Which Fishwich Is Which Fish? The Case for Species-Specific Seafood Names
Source: Scientific American
July 22, 2015
- Fishy fakes common in restaurants
Source: USA Today
February 21, 2013 - Survey Finds That Fish Are Often Not What Label Says
Source: The New York Times
February 21, 2013 - One-third of seafood mislabeled, study finds
Source: The Washington Post
February 21, 2013 - Buyer beware: Mislabeled fish in restaurants, grocery stores
Source: FOX News
February 21, 2013 - 33% of seafood in the U.S. mislabeled
Source: CNN
February 21, 2013
- Tests Say Mislabeled Fish Is a Widespread Problem
Source: The New York Times
December 11, 2012
- Seafood Sleuthing Reveals Pervasive Fish Fraud In New York City
Source: National Public Radio
December 11, 2012
- Report: Seafood replaced with cheaper fish
Source: The Today Show
December 11, 2012
- Buyer beware: fishy trick baits customers
Source: NBC Nightly News
December 11, 2012
- Fish sold in New York is routinely mislabeled: study
Source: Reuters
December 11, 2012
South Florida Seafood Fraud Report
- Fish you buy may not be what you think
Source: The Miami Herald
July 23, 2012
- Bait and switch: fish fraud flourishes
Source: South Florida Sun Sentinel
July 23, 2012
Los Angeles Seafood Fraud Report
- DNA testing finds evidence of widespread seafood fraud
Source: FOX News
April 23, 2012
- Seafood in L.A. frequently mislabeled, group says
Source: Los Angeles Times
April 17, 2012
- Seafood fraud: Many fish mislabeled in SoCal
Source: San Diego Union Tribune
May 26, 2012
- On the menu, but not on your plate
Source: The Boston Globe | PDF
October 23, 2011