Amazon Removes Plastic Air Pillows from Delivery Packaging Globally - Oceana USA

Victory | October 10, 2024

Amazon Removes Plastic Air Pillows from Delivery Packaging Globally

Amazon announced it has removed all plastic air pillows from its delivery packaging used at its global fulfillment centers as of October 2024. This news follows an earlier announcement in June 2024 that the company planned to eliminate all plastic air pillows from North American deliveries by year-end. Historically, Amazon has used billions of these air pillows every year, which are not curbside recyclable or compostable, unlike paper alternatives. Plastic air pillows are made from the most common form of marine plastic litter in nearshore ocean areas — plastic film — which is also the deadliest type of plastic to large marine animals. Oceana has campaigned since 2020 for Amazon to drastically reduce its plastic use, including releasing reports estimating the company’s plastic packaging footprint, campaigning outside the company’s headquarters, and supporting shareholder resolutions.