President Biden’s Five-Year Plan Protects US Waters from Expanded Offshore Drilling - Oceana USA

Victory | December 15, 2023

President Biden’s Five-Year Plan Protects US Waters from Expanded Offshore Drilling

In the United States, the Biden administration finalized its Five-Year Plan for offshore oil and gas leasing – with the fewest number of proposed lease sales to date. The plan offers three lease sales in the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico, and fully protects the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico from new offshore drilling. This Five-Year Plan process began in 2018 under President Trump, who proposed 47 offshore drilling lease sales, the largest number ever proposed. Oceana was instrumental in stopping the expansion of drilling beyond the Gulf of Mexico and minimizing new lease sales in the Gulf. Oceana will continue to campaign with our allies to permanently protect U.S. coasts from new offshore drilling, which will help fight climate change and safeguard the communities, businesses, and wildlife that rely on a healthy ocean.