U.S. State of California Enacts Boldest Plastic Pollution Reduction Policy in the Nation - Oceana USA

Victory | June 30, 2022

U.S. State of California Enacts Boldest Plastic Pollution Reduction Policy in the Nation

In 2022, the U.S. state of California enacted the strongest plastic pollution policy in the nation, following bipartisan support in the state legislature. The law requires producers to cut their single-use plastic packaging and foodware by at least 25% by 2032 and implements the first statewide reuse and refill mandates in the nation. This victory will shift the burden of plastic pollution in the state back on polluters, who will be required to pay $5 billion over 10 years in environmental mitigation funds, the majority of which directly address plastic’s harms to disadvantaged, low-income, and rural communities who have been disproportionately impacted by plastic production, use, and pollution. Campaigning by Oceana and our allies was a critical part in achieving this significant step that will help protect our oceans, communities, and climate. While there will continue to be a need to reduce beyond the 25% mandated in this new law, and to invest in tools such as regenerative agriculture to help reduce the worst impacts of pollution and climate change, this law represents a powerful step that other states, and even nations, can use to build their plastics reduction programs.