2020 - Oceana USA

Florida’s state marine mammal, the manatee, is falling prey to plastics

Affectionately known as “sea cows,” manatees are a treasured sight along Florida’s coastline. These slow-moving, gentle giants can weigh up to 1,200 pounds, subsisting solely on a vegetarian spread of seagrass and algae. But their diets too often include something that doesn’t belong – plastic. Oceana reviewed nearly 1,800 documented cases of plastic consumption and entanglement … Read more

New scientific studies provide more reasons to stop the expansion of offshore drilling

Ten years after the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, offshore drilling remains dirty and dangerous and the industry’s safety record is unacceptable. The disaster’s environmental devastation lingers, and scientists continue to study the impacts of the spill’s toxic oil pollution. The science is and has been clear that it’s time to stop offshore oil drilling. And … Read more

Dirty and dangerous offshore drilling pollutes our ocean and coastal communities

In addition to an ever-present threat of another large drilling disaster like the BP Deepwater Horizon, offshore drilling produces dirty and dangerous waste every day. Chronic pollution from oil drilling hurts plants, animals and people Oil drilling pollutes our waters, land and air. In addition to catastrophic disasters, hundreds of oil spills occur each year … Read more

Blocking the Expansion of Offshore Drilling Could Help Protect Coastal Communities from Climate Change

In the U.S., nearly 40% of people live near the coast, where the threat of offshore drilling could ruin their way of life. Offshore drilling not only brings with it the risk of a toxic oil spill like BP’s 2010 Deepwater Horizon tragedy – it fuels climate change, one of the most serious and potentially … Read more

Deepwater Horizon disaster response fell short, leaving oil in the ocean and on the coast

Offshore drilling comes with many dangers, including the risk of toxic oil spills that pollute the ocean and coastlines, shutter coastal businesses and destroy livelihoods in fishing communities. Oil spills happen every year but the disaster response in the wake of these harmful events remains inefficient and inadequate. The 2010, BP Deepwater Horizon disaster spewed … Read more

Hurricane Season and Offshore Drilling Are a Reckless Combination

Ten years ago today, the Coast Guard halted Deepwater Horizon disaster response because Tropical Storm Bonnie was headed toward the Gulf of Mexico. Oil stopped flowing into the Gulf only a week earlier, 87 days after the disaster began. Plans to permanently seal the well were put on hold and clean-up workers were evacuated. Tropical … Read more

Oceana Launches New Online Tool, Ship Speed Watch, to Help Protect North Atlantic Right Whales

North Atlantic right whales were named for being the “right” whale to hunt because they are often found near shore, swim slowly, and tend to float when killed. Though hunting the species was banned in 1935, they currently face extinction largely due to collisions with ships and entanglement in fishing gear. Currently, only about 400 of these whales remain, including fewer than 100 … Read more

A Look Back to 2010: 87 Days Too Late, BP Finally Stops Deepwater Horizon Blowout

A roller coaster ride of confusion and turmoil followed the BP Deepwater Horizon rig explosion and spill, which lasted an unimaginable 87-days. Finally, on July 15, 2010, the spewing well 5,000 feet deep in the Gulf of Mexico was capped at last. Months earlier in April, BP initially believed the well’s blowout preventer mechanism meant … Read more

Ocean Advocates Urge Congress to Block Expanded Offshore Drilling

Oceana/Jess Howard Yesterday, top business leaders, local elected officials, state lawmakers and military leaders from across the country urged Congress to block the expansion of risky offshore drilling along their coasts. During a virtual day of advocacy, residents who depend on a clean and healthy ocean urged lawmakers to protect our oceans from expanded drilling. … Read more

10 years later, whales and dolphins are still recovering from Deepwater Horizon disaster

Ten years ago today, a research ship studying devastation from BP’s Deepwater Horizon found a dead  25-foot-long endangered sperm whale. Oil had been gushing into the Gulf of Mexico for almost two months, without an end in sight. And as a result, the disaster killed almost 100 endangered sperm whales in the Gulf out of a … Read more